California HPV Vaccine Week
August 4th-10th, 2024
California HPV Vaccine week is an annual observance held the first full week of August. The goal of this campaign is to increase awareness of the HPV vaccine and promote the vaccination of adolescents ages 9-13. California HPV Vaccine Week is a great way for families, providers, coalitions supporting children’s health, and local health departments to get out the message about the importance of the HPV vaccine as cancer prevention.
Join the Campaign
During the week of August 4th-10th, share this content with your community to communicate the importance of HPV vaccination.
We’ve provided suggested content developed by partner organizations and California HPV Vaccination Roundtable members that include video testimonials, shareable images, and text that can be used on social media platforms, websites, newsletters, and blogs. Whether you do a little or a lot, please help us track our efforts by using #CaliforniaHPVFree on social media and emailing info@cahpvroundtable.com about other initiatives.
Click below to download the full CA HPV Vaccine Week toolkit with campaign guide, email content, and social captions included.
Special thanks to the following individuals who were instrumental to the development of this year's CA HPV Vaccine Week Campaign:
Margaux Stack-Babich, MPH
CA HPV Vaccination Roundtable Parent Workgroup Lead & Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
Paula Mattison
Director of Regional Integrated Marketing, American Cancer Society
Bridget Freeley & Raquel Arias
Associate Directors of State Partnerships, American Cancer Society, CA HPV Vaccination Roundtable Coordinators
Kim Wodstrchill, MPH, CHES
CA HPV Vaccination Roundtable Social Media Lead & Outreach Coordinator, School Vaccine Team, California Department of Public Health
Maritza Gomez
Community Health Liaison, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
Shauntay Davis & Joyce Paraico
California Dialogue on Cancer